School Fund Raiser Program
Are you looking for a great fund raiser that is fun and very easy to do? We’ve got one for you. This is how it works; after your school chooses one evening to celebrate your “Fun Night”, we will send you a flyer for the community to join us for an evening of great food and good fun. Fun Nights can be booked on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. White Fence Farm will donate 15% of the total sales back to your school!
There are only two things that the White Fence Farm asks of you:
• Choose a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to have your Fun Night.
• Call 303-935-5945 to set up your Family Fun Night and ask for Whitney
We hope to hear from you soon to set a date for you school to come in and have a fun filled evening “Down on the Farm.”
To set up your school or program with the White Fence Farm, call Whitney Carloss at extension 11. Thank you.